astraea k. florence


the name’s astraea k. florence, you can call me whatever you want tho tbh.i create stuff on the net!i curse and make jokes about violence, so lemme know if that bothers u b4 we chat and i'll tone it down! <3

  • fandoms/interests: it’s a lot, so if you’re looking for something specific just ask

  • gender stuff: nonbinary, they/them, she/her, or he/him are all fine, it/its is chill if we're friends. if you call me by my birth assignment do me a favor and stick "coercively" in front of it

  • gay shit: poly lesbian. engaged <3!!

  • age,,, kinda: college junior.

things 2 know:

  • i block liberally, this includes bigots as well as people who are just plain rude

  • i will always try to respect good-faith labels (which means i support mogai, neopronouns, mspec lesbians, aros & aces, etc). solidarity > separatism and "validity" is fake

  • psychiatry is deeply flawed. i am unapologetically out of my fucking mind. please don't patronize me about it, nor offer your condolences.

  • fiction isn't reality, thoughts aren't crimes, cringe culture is dead, and purity culture is a prison

  • ^regardless i try to avoid stereotyping and i do my best to trigger tag!

my pages may contain dark themes! please blacklist tags that may disturb you!


  • do you write rpf? not really! the “jack” in any of my jse fics is not actually seán, it’s a character from his channel.

  • can you unblock me? i like talking things out. if you're not sure why i blocked, or you wanna get in touch, message my backup at florencerobot, my email at [email protected], or one of the socials linked on this carrd <3

  • can you put a trigger warning on [insert thing here]? i'll try! however, i can't guarantee it if it's something i post super often (like my main fandoms) or if it's anything to do with language (like cursing). i do tag most things with "[trigger] tw", or "[trigger] mention" depending on context; like #blood tw

  • how tf do you pronounce “astraea”? astraea is pretty much said like uh-stray-uh or estrella in spanish :3